Nell'ambito del Convegno EURAU (European Research in Architecture and Urbanism), sul tema RETROACTIVE RESEARCH: Architecture’s capacity to challenge and extend the limits of other disciplines, topic "Critical pedagogies", l'intervento ha inteso sottolineare l'importanza fondamentale dello spazio affettivo nel processo/progetto di architettura.
Starting from new strains of phenomenology and from recent theories in neuroscience, the paper aims to address the topic of “impurity” of architecture grounded in human “affective space” that modify the way the world is for us. Specially in the case of urban transformations and mainly in regeneration programs, where it is increasingly manifest a wider requirement and instance for participation by the inhabitants, people’s feelings and emotions become something that needs to be taken into account in practicing architecture and planning. Concepts such as "atmosphere" and "empathy" become central in our way of experiencing space: along with other concepts such as memory, identity/identification, they redefine the balance between reflective and pre-reflective domains. This raises questions about how to teach and learn the impurity of architecture, which claims the development of critical devices for analysis and design.