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P. GREGORY _ ABSTRACT _ WMCAUS 2018 (World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering - Architecture - Urban Planning Symposium)
The paper intends to address the topic of urban transformation within the framework of the concept of "affective space". The central research question will be: what is the influence of the affective sphere on changes that take place in the city and vice versa how much does the changes affect the emotional sphere? By placing subjects at the center of the research, the paper intends to study the relationship between individuals - as well as groups and communities - and urban spaces they inhabit. This can be done by guaranteeing centrality to the pre-reflective emotional impact that spatial situations produce on subjects, where for "spatial situation" it is intended the inclusive description of a specific condition, including both the material articulation of space and its intangible qualities that influence the subject's emotional sphere.
Several authors in different fields of environmental psychology, human geography, philosophy etc. have produced a new paradigm for the understanding of the subject's experience of the space, in which a wide sphere of emotional resonance, lived by the embodied subject, becomes important. Nevertheless, in our specific field of architecture, the affective dimension of urban space is still underexplored, while it can provide an alternative way of addressing the human and social component of urban transformation processes. Concepts such as "atmosphere" and "empathy" become central in our way of experiencing space, alongside with "memory" that has been one of the carrying concepts of late 20th century urban theory, from Aldo Rossi's classical book L'architettura della città (1966) onwards. However, the discussion has mainly concerned the historicized acceptations of memory, while less attention has been paid to the temporal extension of feeling. This is another field of research that would highlight the idea that the spatial externalization of emotions - as sustained by contemporary phenomenology - can be embedded into physical space. Thus it is possible to study the changing urban spaces at the present and in a historical perspective: residents who have witnessed the urban transformation and recent inhabitants who may witness the presence of historicized feelings through their traces.
Focusing on selected cases studies in the perspective of affective space theory, the paper intends to develop in a double direction: "top down", from theory to the real changes in urban life, and "bottom up", from the architectural re-design of specific sites back to the paradigm of theoretical approach. To achieve this goal, the paper analyzes some of the de-industrialized areas in the city of Turin, Italy, in its dramatic transition from a fordist city to a post-fordist city. In some cases these areas have been already regenerated with the developing of new urban spaces and landscapes; in others, the areas are undergoingrevitalization or are awaiting urban transformations. It is above all in these last cases that the consideration of emotional sphere becomes important, as a tool for prefiguring space and future use: not only entrusted to the functionality of "effective" space, but also to atmosphere, empathy, memory of "affective" space.
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- Categoria: Convegni
Convegno "Invito alla Storia", AIPH (Associazione Italiana di Public History), Santa Maria Capua Veter-Caserta 24-28 Giugno 2019
Nell'ambito del progetto "Qui Abito. Scuola e Public History. Un progetto per la rigenerazione della periferia urbana a Torino", coordinamento generale di "Cliomedia. Public History", l'intervento presentato riassume le tappe di un percorso che ha visto intrecciarsi attività didattica e ricerca, mostre e dibattiti pubblici sul quartiere Le Vallette a Torino, con l’obiettivo - sin da subito condiviso - di misurarsi con le questioni emergenti e con i processi in corso, confrontandosi con le realtà associative, culturali e amministrative presenti sul territorio, per tentare di innescare dinamiche di trasformazione in grado di arginare e contrastare situazioni di degrado e di marginalità.
In particolare, l'intervento si è concentrato sul laboratorio sperimentale attivato nei mesi aprile-maggio all'interno della scuola Turoldo alle Vallette, intitolato Nella città futura. Per immaginare nuove centralità urbane. Gli studenti della scuola (media inferiore) sono stati guidati a ri-conoscere la realtà entro la quale quotidianamente vivono, a partire da diverse chiavi d’ingresso – e fra queste anche quella relativa all’architettura - per riuscire a “vestire i panni dell’architetto”, diventando artefici di una proposta di trasformazione e miglioramento dell’area centrale del quartiere.
Incentrandosi sull'idea che il "GIOCO" possa divenire elemento generatore per una riappropriazione dello spazio pubblico inteso come "bene comune", il laboratorio ha strutturato nell'area centrale delle Vallette - oggi priva di qualsiasi attrattiva di uso e condivisione sociale - un grande gioco dell'oca, con punti di sosta segnati da altrettanti giochi diversi e/o aree libere per usi condivisi.
Il laboratorio è stato condotto da Giorgia Greco e Erika Gibboni con il coordinamento di P. Gregory e M.L. Barelli.
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- Categoria: Convegni
Nell'ambito del Convegno EURAU (European Research in Architecture and Urbanism), sul tema RETROACTIVE RESEARCH: Architecture’s capacity to challenge and extend the limits of other disciplines, topic "Critical pedagogies", l'intervento ha inteso sottolineare l'importanza fondamentale dello spazio affettivo nel processo/progetto di architettura.
Starting from new strains of phenomenology and from recent theories in neuroscience, the paper aims to address the topic of “impurity” of architecture grounded in human “affective space” that modify the way the world is for us. Specially in the case of urban transformations and mainly in regeneration programs, where it is increasingly manifest a wider requirement and instance for participation by the inhabitants, people’s feelings and emotions become something that needs to be taken into account in practicing architecture and planning. Concepts such as "atmosphere" and "empathy" become central in our way of experiencing space: along with other concepts such as memory, identity/identification, they redefine the balance between reflective and pre-reflective domains. This raises questions about how to teach and learn the impurity of architecture, which claims the development of critical devices for analysis and design.
Key words: Impurity, affective space, atmosphere, empathy, critical devices
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- Categoria: Convegni
L'intervento presentato al 6° International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences & Arts, SGEM 2019, Vienna 11-14 April, Sessione tematica su "Architecture and Design", si è focalizzato sull'importanza dei contenuti sociali nel processo progettuale.
Starting from the words of Ludovico Quaroni (as architect and educator), the paper aims to highlight the importance of social content for the purpose of good planning and architecture. With reference to the Vitruvian triad - utilitas, firmitas, venustas – Quaroni insists on the necessary integration of the three components, clearly stressing how, in the education process, it is fundamental to start from the social question - what he defines as "content" or "structure of the contents" of the design – and not from abstract reasons that ignore the real conditioning to which an architectural work must respond.
We share the statement of Quaroni: specially today in which the design process increasingly emergs from below, the content-social question appears fundamental, in the participation and (sometimes) co-creating of the communities involved.
Keywords:social content, community, commons, convivium, design education
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- Categoria: Convegni
La lezione di Jorge Lobos si inserisce nel ciclo dedicato alla parola ‘plurilinguismo’ nell’ambito dell’iniziativa del Macro dedicata al Vocabolario del Contemporaneo. La serie di lezioni organizzata da Cristina Marras e Maria Eugenia Cadeddu (CNR-ILIESI) ha come principale obiettivo quello di esplorare, in modo divulgativo, le possibili declinazioni del termine 'plurilinguismo' in più contesti tematici e secondo differenti prospettive disciplinari.
Jorge Lobos, Università di Sassari
Il linguaggio dell’architettura culturale. Un passo necessario per un’architettura dei diritti umani
Giovedi 24 ottobre h:16.00
Stanza delle parole, Macro Asilo, via Nizza 38, Roma